Hermosawave Picture of the Day

Monday, August 17, 2020

Myriad Spirits of the 3 Realms・三界萬霊

Obon is one of most important summer events in Japan. It is a time where families honor the sprits of their ancestors and welcome them for a short visit home.

One tradition is to send relatives back to their other worlds with a small lantern to guide them. Usually hundreds of personalized lanterns are floated down rivers or lakes by relatives at numerous lantern-floating ceremonies (灯籠流し) throughout Japan. But because of the Coronavirus, mass public gatherings have been suspended for the time being.

As a substitute, this year five large lanterns were lit at Hirosawa Pond, with the writing “Myriad Spirits of the Three Realms”; these lanterns with this expression are a way to commemorate everyone, en masse.

As the priests prayed at dusk for those who have passed away, a beautiful moment was created, one that will have to do for these unusual times.

Taken in Kyoto, Japan

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PictureCode: 200817

PictureCode: 200817
Location: Kyoto
Keywords: Dusk, Ponds, Holidays

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