Hermosawave Picture of the Day

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Evening on the Yodogawa・淀川の夕焼

Looking northwest over the Yodo River at the cities of Amagasaki and Toyonaka, across the river from Osaka, in this shot from the top of the Umeda Sky Building.

During the Edo period (1603-1867), Osaka was home to so many bridges that it was known as ”Naniwa Happyaku Hachi Bashi” (Naniwa 808 bridges). However, there were not really 808 bridges; in fact, there were only about 200. But today Osaka lists 872 bridges in the city, of which four are shown here.

江戸時代、大阪は「浪華八百八橋」といわれるほど多くの橋が架けられました。  808という数字がありますが、本当に808の橋があったわけではありません。実際には200ほど。しかし、現在では市内に872の橋があり、そのうちの4つがここに紹介する橋である。

Taken in Osaka, Japan

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PictureCode: 220921

PictureCode: 220921
Location: Osaka
Keywords: Dusk, Bridges, Rivers

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