Hermosawave Picture of the Day

Friday, May 22, 2020

Fushimi Inari Taisha・伏見稲荷大社

With Kyoto reopening from a successful mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought it would be auspicious to visit the famous Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine before it gets crowded again.

Beautiful morning sunlight illuminates a hundred vermillion gates (torii), each one purchased in gratitude to the gods for success in one of numerous endeavors.

My idea was to shoot with a really wide lens for a different look, but ultimately I ended up cropping back down to the essential elements of this classic view.

Taken in Kyoto, Japan

Zoom in for more detail.

PictureCode: 200522

PictureCode: 200522
Location: Kyoto
Keywords: Shrines, Torii

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